Numb Little Bug

Numb Little Bug

There are times when you feel a certain way but you can’t seem to put it in words without people thinking you’re losing your mind. I stumbled across this song last night and it spoke to me and how I’ve felt for a very long time now. I don’t...
Fear of Living

Fear of Living

My heart is heavyThoughts running crazyMy vision is blurredThis is so absurd My hearts been closed for so many yearsTrying to prevent the flow of tearsI try to get a few insideBut it made me realize why I hide It seems like everyone is full of shadeOnly wanting to get...


Don’t look at meDon’t talk to meDon’t know meDon’t try me Don’t act like you careDon’t try to be there Don’t give me that lookDon’t read me like a book Don’t hug meDon’t kiss meDon’t touch meDon’t...