Dark Eyes

March 26, 2002

When you look into my eyes, what do you see?
A light of hope, or the dark sea?
Do you wonder what I feel inside?
Do you think about what makes me cry?

Does my strength run as deep as my soul to God?
Can my weakness be as obvious as the North Star?
Embrace me tightly, will I crumble in your arms?
Or will I push you away in fear of harm?

Mixed emotions race through my heart and mind
Someday comfort I hope to find
Is my curse to be alone, to support the others falling from the throne?
I feel like it’s the past, hostile and cold, while the world throws at me a vicious stone

Put your hand against my heart
Feel the life that lies beneath; feel me breathe, so torn apart
The haze life keeps makes it hard to bare
But I move on, rarely aware

Who will I become, a old bitter man?
Will I share my triumphs in life with them?
Does home stay so desolate and so cold?
Will it one day be filled, and happiness unfold?

Only God knows what the plan is for me
To succeed, to fail, to be set free
A mission for happiness is what I have
Be it alone or partnered
Never will I be sad

Image by Hemmal Abdelhakim from Pixabay 

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