March 26, 2002

What happens when you take a step back and look at your life?
Do you see things clearly or run in fright?
Where have you gone from where you were?
Is everything the same of just some blur?

I often contemplate my purpose in this world, being one small person among so many
How can I make a difference, that’s what I ask myself?
Does God have my life plan laid out, and do I fail to follow it?

If I open my eyes and accept what I have, will that make my happy or even more sad?
There are nights I lay alone, eyes blurred with tears, wondering where I went wrong
Have I made myself better just for me, or is it to rid my heart of being lonely?

When will another see me for me, not just the silhouette off in the trees
Know me, love me, and understand me. Judge me not, fear me not
I’m a child of God, full with the give of love
Use me oh Lord for your good deeds, but show me the reason for each of these

All of us have been made in the eye of God, the perfect creator that’s so close, yet so far
He loves each one of use truly, who am I because of his duty?
I was blessed with a kind heart and soul, to guide others down the path of gold
Is it really punishment to be alone, or will this be part of the plan to bring me home?

Cure my emptiness with the company of friends, and make me feel special again.
Stop the tears that roll from my eyes, and fill my heart with joy and pride
Being to me a companion to share, to love and cherish and always be near

When I look in the mirror I see such improvement from who I was then, now and future.
God has guided me in a direction of rewards, to show me my path is actually pure.
I wake up each day with a smile on my face, ready to tackle the test of fate.
Is this the day my true love will come? I don’t look, panic, or run. Each day will be a new battle of strength and will, to put God on top and get behind the wheel.

Image by tookapic from Pixabay

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