by SouthpawSteven | Jul 1, 2002 | Poetry, Writing
Tired of this crap, just makes ya wanna jump backHandle business, smack downDon’t be trapped! A door opens, nothing but air, 500 feet down, can you fly there?Why? What’s on yo mindYou’re not an eagle, step on down, or once again, smack down! Crazy ass fool, running...
by SouthpawSteven | Apr 27, 2002 | Poetry, Writing
I wonder what it feels like to be lovedTo be held by another, I wonder Every night I lay and wonder, wonder when my time will comeWonder, wonder why I feel aloneTears on my cheeks, I wonder All the years that pass, I wait, I watch, I see what I desireThe passion from...
by SouthpawSteven | Mar 27, 2002 | Poetry, Writing
Mind races, pits of hellSearch the soul, that’s not for saleWho can tell what one can feel, deep inside, past the steel I look around at what I have, material items only, oh so sadA house so empty, limited life, rarely occupied, that’s not enoughTo fill this...
by SouthpawSteven | Mar 26, 2002 | Poetry, Writing
What happens when you take a step back and look at your life?Do you see things clearly or run in fright?Where have you gone from where you were?Is everything the same of just some blur? I often contemplate my purpose in this world, being one small person among so...
by SouthpawSteven | Mar 26, 2002 | Poetry, Writing
When you look into my eyes, what do you see?A light of hope, or the dark sea?Do you wonder what I feel inside?Do you think about what makes me cry? Does my strength run as deep as my soul to God?Can my weakness be as obvious as the North Star?Embrace me tightly, will...